vineri, 23 noiembrie 2018

Neal and Jack and Me

Piesa ‘Neal and Jack and Me’ apartine formatiei King Crimson si se afla pe albumul ‘Beat’. Acest ‘cantec’ este, cel mai probabil, ascociat literaturii si unor personaje din perioada miscarii Beat.

“Jack” este fara doar si poate Jack Kerouack – autorul romanului ‘On the Road’ -  Neal este Neal Cassady, prietenul excentric al lui Kerouack, intruchipat in personajul Dean Moriarty din romanul respectiv.

Piesa reflecta fanteziile lui Adrian Belew, in care acesta s-ar fi aflat alaturi de Kerouac si Cassady intr-o calatorie de-a lungul USA, sau intr-un turneu in periferiile cele mai tenebroase ale Parisului.

duminică, 4 noiembrie 2018

Transfer la Magie si Transa.

Transfer Station Blue combines the talents of one of America's great rock percussionists with electronic music's most influential masters. Michael Shrieve, former percussionist with Santana and numerous other groups, and Klaus Schulze, Germany's great synthesizer genius, combine their talents to create a new and powerfully distinctive music. Space rhythms that will get your heart and body moving. Instrumentation includes electronic drums, synthesizers and electric guitar.

vineri, 2 noiembrie 2018

Tago Mago

Ultimately, a good dissociative warble will mark something as psychedelic, but it’s the relation to rhythm that really drives it home. A free-floating a time asynchronous fuzzy guitar line can make us leave our earthly bodies, but so too can a grounded and funky groove if it dives deep enough. Can may not be the greatest krautrock group of all time and Tago Mago may not be their indisputable best, but for a keen and undeniable example of how a deep-pocket funky groove can rewire the brain and body to dream of things beyond the limits of the self, one need go no further. Many words have been said about their famed improvisational vocalist Damo Suzuki, but the real star here is the unimpeachable rhythm section. With grooves this primal and deep, anybody could sound good over them.

joi, 1 noiembrie 2018

Acid Mothers Temple. Blue Velvet Blues


Acestea sunt sunetele produse de Kawbata Makoto si chitara sa.

Urmatoarele cateva minute vor fi o excursie.

Atunci cand un fenomen cultural – sa zicem total psihedelic – necesita un anumit grad de alienare, poate ar trebui sa te orientezi spre Japonia ca punct de plecare spre mai departe, si inca chiar dincolo de lumea asta.

In oarecare masura Can, in oarecare masura Hawkwind, in oarecare masura monstri sacri ai genului Metal, Acid Moters Temple au inregistrat in cele doua decade de existenta o muzica mult peste stadiul de narcoza, pe care orice persoana sanatoasa mental ar dori sa stie sa o perceapa asa cum trebuie.

Rareori muzica se percepe mai vie ca aceasta. Kawbata si compania nu doar ca arata ca niste vrajitori, dar chiar sunt convins ca sunt.